
The Spring Cleaning Checklist – For When You Don’t Have Time To Clean

March 20, 2021
spring cleaning checklist

It’s that time of the year again! We all want a clean house and this spring cleaning checklist will be just what you need as you tackle your spring cleaning. Best of all, it’s printable and it’s free! [Download your checklist here.]

But this checklist isn’t for everyone.

This is the “it’s good enough” spring cleaning checklist is for those of you who, like myself, have either limited time or energy to do a full, ultimate, spring clean.

I love a clean house. As a matter of fact, I started a YouTube channel that is all about providing cleaning motivation to others! But I very often don’t have the time, energy, or motivation to actually do the cleaning. For one, that’s why I started my YouTube channel, honestly. It forced me to keep on top of keeping my house clean. But also, this is 100% when a spring cleaning checklist (or any checklist really) can come in and save the day.

A spring cleaning checklist takes all the thought out of the process.

I don’t have to think through what all needs to be done. I want my house to be clean, sure, but I want it to be fresh AND clean like only a good spring cleaning can do. So fresh n’ so clean, clean.

Potentially like you, I work outside the home full-time. Sure, working from home during the pandemic cuts down on the commute but on the other hand, a global pandemic adds to the emotional stress. By the time I get off work, I barely have the energy to decide what to make for dinner. To also think through what to clean that would look “good enough” yet still have the deep clean feel, feels insurmountable.

When I find myself in this mindset, all I do is grab the checklist and I know that when I’m done, my house will look and feel great. Dare I say, it will even be a home. Okay, cheesy, I know. But still, true.

How to use the “It’s Good Enough” Spring cleaning checklist.

I know what you’re thinking. It’s a checklist. You check things off.

You’d be right about that. But, I want to make sure you get the best use out of this. I promise it’s easy though.

This checklist – which can be found here – is divided into six sections. The kitchen, the bathrooms, the bedroom, the living room, the home office, and the outdoor patios. These sections seemed to cover the rooms most people would need. Or they could pull double duty. For example, the bedroom section could cover a master bedroom and a guest bedroom. The living room section could also be used for a playroom or media room. That sort of thing.

Each section contains the things most people will need to clean in that room. Will all of them apply to you? Maybe not. If so, just don’t do that one thing. If you feel I left something out or have something unique in your home that requires cleaning, I got you. I left blank slots (with check mark boxes) for you to fill in.

Is this really all I have to do?

If you do the things on this list, your home will feel light and fresh. And if you have the time or the energy, you can absolutely keep going. But you don’t have to. It’s entirely up to you.

How do I know this works?

I’m starting a Spring cleaning YouTube mini-series on my channel. The first video is live and I started with the kitchen. See for yourself. And if you find it motivating, please consider subscribing.

Where do I download the “It’s Good Enough” Spring Cleaning Checklist?

Right here. It’s free and you don’t even have to give me your email address to download it. I just want to provide a resource for you.

Hope you enjoy!

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